Friday, September 16, 2011


"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise!" Psalm 8:2

I read this today and thought about my precious child praising the Lord. She does so every time she dances to music, whether on the radio or in her own head! She praises the Lord every time she smiles and waves at someone. She praises Him every time she laughs because she just loves life.

When I see her do these things, I am delighted because I am her Momma. She enjoys her life, she makes others smile. How much more so is her Creator delighted in her joy?

I am determined to praise the Lord just as she does, if not more, because I have her to be thankful for as well. Because she is one of the most precious gifts I have been given.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 10, 2011

Wow. Toddlerhood is awesome! 15 months old and an absolutely brilliant child! The Scoop is as follows:

Doodle loves bellybuttons and saying "No." She sleeps a good 12 hours a night with a 2 hour nap during the day, and she is soooo easy to put down for naps. And the child would live outdoors. Which is odd for her allergic to everything Mama who comes in itching from head to toe! Her hair is curly at the ends, which I adore!

She can tell you where her bellybutton, hair, ears, eyes and nose are. She can tell you what a Dog, Kitty, Camel and Turtle say. We are working on Cow and Bear right now as well as feet and knees.
She now loves shoes, books and pocketbooks, she is definitely my child!

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Scoop

My Doodle is 10 months and 1 day today, and boy did we have fun! A couple of good naps, a walk in the beautiful sunshine, sofa shopping with Daddy... and poop. Lots and lots of it. So much an extra bath was involved. It was nuts.

It's incredible how being a Mom makes you unconcerned with things like that. Through the poop, the throw up, the lack of sleep... she gives me a kiss and life is all good.